Art Nouveau inkwell in green glazed sandstone signed Dalpayrat (1844 - 1910).The model of the cut-out copper frame, depicting gingko leaves is made by Abel Landry (1868 - 1923), architect and art modeler. This commissioned object was sold in the Parisian gallery of the Maison Moderne directed by Julius Meier-Graefe.
Ceramist, born in Limoges, he began his training as a porcelain painter. He then worked in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Monte Carlo and finally in Bourg la Reine near Paris where he settled in 1889. He devoted himself very quickly to stoneware without quite disdaining earthenware and porcelain. He develops the deep and thick oxblood-red "rouge Dalpayrat", which he associates with green, bluish, yellowish jaspers playing on effects of dullness and shine. He works with simple shapes, but also with a tormented appearance, sometimes carved with plants or animals. His creations consist of more classical artistic materials and especially unique pieces that he regularly exhibits.
Glazed stoneware Art Nouveau inkwell by Dalpayrat
Glazed stoneware Art Nouveau inkwell by Dalpayrat
Glazed stoneware Art Nouveau inkwell by Dalpayrat